Small boat design and construction are Peter’s passions. He uses time-honored methods and, as possible local materials. He designs rowboats, dinghys, small sailing boats, and traditional motorboats, using cedar planking, oak framing, and bronze and copper fastenings.
Cape Rosier Wherry | Cape Rosier Guide Boat | Cape Rosier Cradle Boat |
Cape Rosier Wherry: The Cape Rosier Wherry rows, sails and tows beautifully, able to carry a lot of weight and can handle rough weather and seas.
Rowing version:
12 foot by 4.5 foot rowboat or option for rowing and sailing version, Cedar lapstrake plainking, cedar seats, oak stem, keel and ribs, Mahogany transom, Copper and bronze fastenings, interior oiled with Daly’s oil, exterior prime coated with paint
Sailing version:
87 square ft. gunter rigged mainsail, 19 square ft. jib with removable bowsprit, Sails great with just the mainsail and even better with jib
Just mainsail: $4,500.00
With jib: $5,610.00
Half oval brass stock on edges of two bottom planks to protect edges on beaches: $125.00
Gunnel guard: $500.00


Cape Rosier Guide Boat: 18 foot by 4 foot double ended guide boat, Designed for recreational use, fly fishing, guiding, or just fishing, Can be rowed from three different stations, or by three people at once, or can be paddled and can go in either direction. Can carry a fair amount of weight and can handle rough water.
Cedar lapstrake planking and seats, Oak stems, keel and ribs, Copper and bronze fastenings, Interior oiled with Daly’s oil and exterior prime coated paint
Half oval brass stock on edges on one bottom plank: $125.00
Gunnel guard: $600.00


Cape Rosier Cradle Boat: 5 foot 5 inches by 2 feet 4 inches, Cedar planking, Oak stem and keel, Mahogany transom, Rolls well and can handle rough baby, Rowing and sailing options may be available

1880 Yawlboat:

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